Wave To The Mermaid!

WheresMyBackpack’s weekly photo theme (statues) is the perfect segue into our Spring Break vacation this year. We’ve returned to Tybee Island, Georgia for the second time.


As you arrive in town, you spy a gigantic silver mermaid sculpture with her hand raised in greeting. This is Tybee Island: a family-friendly seaside retreat, dotted with beach cottages, an island lighthouse, and small-town charm. As soon as we saw her, we were on vacation.

14 responses to “Wave To The Mermaid!

  1. Pingback: Travel Theme-Statues | WoollyMuses·

  2. Pingback: 3-30-14 Travel Theme:Statues | The Quotidian Hudson·

  3. Pingback: Travel theme: Statues | Chasing Butterflies: Sunshine and Freedom·

  4. Got to admit, that’s a little creepy. Not during the light of day but maybe walking by at night and you see it from the corner of your eye. Yikes!

  5. What a cool statue. I find her mainly friendly, but yeah, a little creepy too. I think it’s the vacant look in her eyes.

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