Rocking the Cactus

It seems that on every vacation, one particular object grabs my attention and I go crazy taking pictures of it. In Tybee Island, Georgia, it was jellyfish. In The Netherlands, it was windmills. In Arizona, it was cactuses. Cacti? I could not stop obsessing over all the saguaro cactus spiking the landscape. There was no way to capture it on film, but I tried.




You’re bored with cactuses already, aren’t you? My mom might have been, but she’s obsessed with rocks. And where there was gravelly sand, there were rocks. So we were both happy.


But just in case cacti and rocks aren’t your thing, how about grammar? Were you wondering whether I was using cactus, cacti, and catcuses correctly? I was, so I looked it up. Here’s a quick grammar lesson in case our desert wanderings didn’t rock your world. 🙂

Cacti is the Latin plural of cactus, and some writers use it in English. Cactuses is the English plural. Dictionaries list both, and neither is right or wrong.

Maybe our next dictionary definitions will be about Amish vs. Mennonite, just in case all the buggy pictures I took in Amish country start to bore you…

9 responses to “Rocking the Cactus

  1. I’ve never been bored by a cactus, much less bunches of them, Kelly. So keep posting as many beautiful photos as you want. 🙂 Did your journeys take you down to Organ Pipe National Monument. Interesting place. –Curt

  2. I could never get bored of cactus plants. I have two little ones of my own and I love them dearly. I’ve written posts about them a couple of times and I used cacti, cactuses and cactus plants more or less interchangeably. It was useful to have three different expressions available to add a bit of variety to the sentences. Anyway, I’d better go and make sure Fluffy and Shortly are still okay. I haven’t watered them for a long time.

      • My record with plants was lamentable right up to getting my two cactus plants. They’re the first plants of any kind that have ever managed to survive my tender care.

  3. I never knew how cool cacti was until I visited a desert park in Palm Springs. They definitely grow on you! I always assumed “cactuses” was wrong and was proud of myself for using “cacti.” Guess I learned something new today!

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